
knocked off

Let's pretend it's Friday.
Just a tad late, but here it is:
The Comme des Garcons Heart tee!

So, I'm probably going to put elastic in the top, as it continued to fall off my skinny shoulder blades, but oh well. Here's the tut!

-Plain Tee shirt whatever colour you want
-Red fabric paint
-Black fabric paint
-Scissors (optional)
-Sewing machine (optional)
-Printer Access & an X-Acto knife

1) Mark a line where you want the neckline to be with marker. Cut it off!

2) Fold, pin, and sew the neckline you cut.

If you want, you could use a contrasting thread to sew it. But, if you kind of lack actual sewing skills, like me, it may take a few tries. See? Black thread on white tee. Daring.

3) Print your design twice. Print it so that the heart takes up most of the page. If you need the Comme Des Garcons design, here, steal mine!
4) Cut the heart out of one of the papers with your X-Acto knife.
Put the paper sans heart on the shirt where you want the design.
Make sure you have
5) Use the X-Acto knife to cut the eyes out of the heart. Then, using double sided tape, stick them where they need to be.
6) Mix your red fabric paint with some water to dilute it - and add even more water for a water-colour effect. Dab it directlty on top of the 'stencil', and wait maybe 5 minutes.
Won't be perfect, but who cares?
After waiting a while, peel off the paper. If you're lazy like me, use a hairdryer on it to speed up the process.

7) Mix & dilute your black paint. Cut out the black parts of the eyes from the second print, and place on shirt after drying. Then dab in the eyes. Here's a pic with one done:
Then you're pretty much done! I'm going to convert to a tube top because i bought an XL. Or maybe a romper.
Here's the real one:
And here's mine again. 5% of the cost. Just saying.
Ignore the crappy cutting out of the background.

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